European businesses assisted Gaddafi regime Internet Monitoring

riverat1 wrote The Next Web has a history of Muammar Gaddafi track of the Internet and other telecommunications services. As expected, monitoring was intense. The names history of companies that provided software surveillance, including Amesys, a subsidiary of the French company Bull SA. There is a more detailed history behind the paywall the Wall Street Journal.  Narus Division Boeing may also have been involved (collection Analytics is very important and nothing suspicious, of course).

IHome has AirPlay IW1 wireless speaker system available September 26 for $ 300

It has been a while since we had our hands on the IW1 AirPlay , but it will not be too long before iHome speaker system wireless hits the market. Yesterday the company announced that the IW1 will be available September 26 for $ 300. For that price, you will be able to stream music from your iPhone, iPhone or iPod Touch, the system using two three-inch woofers and tweeters pair of one inch with Bongiovi treatment. The six books IW1 also has a lithium-ion battery, allowing you to easily tote your next party at home, and can be connected wirelessly using iHome Home Connect software, available free iTunes. Breath after the break for the full press release, or hit the source link for more information.

Creative distributes gaming headsets Sound Blaster audio platform Recon3D / sound cards

Creative is not going to force phonetics, once upon a time, but it is still a respected name when it comes to headsets and – gasp! – Sound cards. Here at IFA , the costume has released a new range of Sound Blaster (yeah, seriously) gaming headsets for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC and Mac. The 360 ​​Sound Blaster friendly Tactic360 Sigma is revealed with a banner design and 50mm steel core audio drivers, not to mention the voice and audio controls separate game. Moving right along, the ION Tactic360 refined with a pair of 40mm drivers, while the wireless Wrath Tactic3D is for Mac / PC users who prefer not to sweat the whole cable thing. The Wireless Tactic3D Omega is the same for console gamers, and for those in love with Three-Dee, the new holding of the platform Recon3D audio / sounds sound cards give you reason to celebrate. All details are posted after the break for those who are strangely intrigued.

The limited liability claims attack Wikileaks

mask.of.sanity writing anonymous members took the responsibility to launch a denial of service attack against Wikileaks this week with a custom tool that exploits a flaw in the SQL server. field trials of tool called RefRef were launched against several websites, including Wikileaks Pastebin and 4Chan. In a Twitter account linked to blog anonymously, users were described as hacktivists with a personal vendetta against Wikileaks, adding that we are sorry you took it down. We are still.

Sprint to Upgrade to double costs $ 36 from Sept. 9?


It’s time to either find your favorite teddy bear or pinch a few hundred coins. In the second fight now unhappy new from Overland Park, SprintFeed advises that we must prepare for another hike at one time charges on September 9. This time, the cost of upgrading oh-so-beloved who is the victim of inflation, achieving increased to $ 36 for all existing customers who want a new phone, if you’re hoping to renew multi-line contracts, Sprint is graciously willing to cap the costs to a maximum of $ 150. There is speculation that these bumps may have something to do with the latest rumor coming out of Cupertino, but it can also be simply a routine change of policy. Regardless of the reason, this means that for anyone seeking the next best thing would start looking under every sofa cushion they sit, in the hope of scrounging a bit more money.

First complete genome sequenced Lizard

Amrmani wrote an article in the International Business Times about the recent genetic sequencing of a lizard. Extract from the article: Researchers have succeeded in sequencing the genes of the anole lizard green, that is the first non-bird reptiles whose genome sequenced and assembled the results, the researchers obtained after assembly and analysis of more than 20. mammalian genomes, can go a long way in understanding the evolution of animals and humans.

Samsung Wave 3 hands on (video)


Tired of Samsung this morning? Well, how about a little more than Samsung, so. Also on the laundry list of new features the company is the wave, which was announced earlier this week . Wave 3 is the end of the three new devices with that name, packing a zippy processor 1.4GHz, which seems to manage tasks with ease. Like most of the rest of the products shown here at IFA, the screen is the centerpiece of the unit, a brilliant 4-inch WVGA unit. Also, like the rest of Samsung handsets, the material is really great on the wave, complimenting a glossy screen brushed aluminum back.

The handset works Bada 2.0, which means that we are not likely to be seen it in the United States anytime in the near future – Samsung has largely declined to U.S. support for the mobile operating system, but he promises to expand its selection of applications from third-party applications developers. Also new on the face of software is Kitten, a mobile messaging service that we have unfortunately not able to give a tour here in Berlin.

Swiss researchers try to make it rain with lasers

formaggio writes Last year, a team of researchers at the University of Geneva in Switzerland came with an interesting way to make it rain by firing lasers in the sky. At the time it seemed that science fiction, but now they are one more step after the team has successfully completed testing around Lake Geneva From the article:. ‘Records from 133 hours of fire revealed that intense pulses of laser light creates nitric acid particles in the air that acted like glue to the atmosphere, water molecules link together into droplets and prevention. them to re-evaporation Within seconds, the drops became stable within a few thousandths of a millimeter in diameter. too small to fall as rain, but large enough to encourage scientists to build on the work