Final Cut Studio available again through Apple Telesales, video editors around the world breathed sighs of relief

If you are one of the many users of Final Cut Pro unhappy with Apple’s latest version – and you have not been drawn into the open arms Adobe – Today brings good news. According to MacRumors, Cupertino will continue to offer the previous version dropped through telephone sales. 800-MY-APPLE call and asking for Final Cut Studio (part number MB642Z / A) net you Final Cut Pro 7, 4 Motion, Soundtrack Pro 3, DVD Studio Pro 4, Color Compressor 1.5 and 3.5 for $ 999, or $ 899 for eligible education customers. It is far from the $ 299.99 for Final Cut Pro X, but if you’re interested in, say, the opening of existing projects or the output to tape, you might reluctantly pony up extra dough.

Icloud Apple runs on Microsoft Azure

Home of the first timer GE7 writes Apple cloud storage and recently announced a cloud services platform, icloud, rotates on its main competitor Microsoft Azure platform and services of the Amazon. According to the sources of the Reg, insiders Microsoft icloud see the face as a validation of Azure. icloud Azure is in a different league, given the love of the Apple brand and the fanatical attitude of the management of Apple to perfection. It is a huge consumer brand, a great opportunity for Azure as a highly visible workload. Aa … Apple had a bad recent experience in providing online services in a famous memo, Steve Jobs admitted that his company had more to learn about Internet services as a result of breakdowns and failures of its precursor icloud for email, contacts, calendar, photos and other files on MobileMe.

RED EPIC-X starts shipping to shooters of luck with deep pockets

It was almost two years since we had a look at the specs on EPIC RED-X , and the 5K-shooting, about $ 30 000 rig is just now shipping to customers . It’s not terribly shocking given the business development cycles and notoriously long, if you ordered one, you should be too excited about a new toy to worry about how long it took to build. Lets hope the first batch of people to begin to capture beautiful images with this thing a little more likely that Mark Pederson – RED can not be reset to $ 100 000 bonus each time she releases a new product.

Ask Engadget: the best desktop OS for children?


We know you have questions, and if you are brave enough to ask the world for answers, here is the output to do so. This week’s Ask Engadget investigation came to us to Ryan, who can not wait to get her child fixated on the wonderful world of computers. If you want to send an inquiry on your own, write to us at ask [at] Engadget com [dawt].

My son (five years) has commandeered a laptop for my wife for her fun game to play lately, and it was driving her batty. He does not play games mostly, it (Plants vs. Zombies, Zuma, etc.). Until he can find the games they want (their icons) and open them without problem on Windows 7, but now I am looking into getting him his own computer base, I begin to wonder if there is not something younger friendly there. I had a superficial experience with OS X and Linux (Ubuntu), and I will do all the install myself and configuration. Every thought of his parents? Thank you!

Children and computers. Now it’s a recipe for awesomeness. Any new (ish) parents out there have experience on their children loving / hating a particular OS? Feel free to leave your opinion in the comments below – stay smart, ok?

Tapping Metros For energy

from: ~ r / Slashdot / slashdot / ~ 3/i0-gblzqc_M/Tapping-Subway-Trains-For-Energy:

An anonymous reader writes Industrial manufacturer of energy wheel Vycon believe they can exploit the huge amount of kinetic energy carried by the movement of subway trains to subsidize the power systems of the city. Not only does this reduce emissions but would also prevent emergencies peak power. This energy could be used to run trains again – a subway train of 10 cars in the system of New York requires a shake three to four megawatts of electricity for 30 seconds to get up to cruising speed – it’s enough energy to 1300 average U.S. homes.

Nokia 701 Hands on


Living in the States, it is easy to forget just how big a global presence, Nokia has maintained, despite some difficulties in keeping with the likes of Android and IOS. The company has certainly had a presence at IFA this year, among its own stand and appearances in the show offers Vodafone. And despite what critics might say about the Finnish equipment manufacturer, it is hard to deny that society has given us fine offerings on the front of equipment.

The 701 is not the most exciting we have seen build from Nokia, but it certainly has a lot to it, including a brilliant 3.5-inch steel reinforcing display, megapixel camera eight, integrated NFC. On the software side, we are obviously looking at Symbian Belle, with its customizable home screens, which is managed quite well with a 1GHz smartphone. Check out our hands on the photos below.

Team-TouchDroid dual boot Android on TouchPad – touch screen not included

The race for Android now working on the budget-friendly HP TouchPad is on. We’ve heard rumors about the little green robot from pre-installed on the slate unhappy and we saw the first CM7 boot , but no one went all the way quite yet. While progress is slow, a team of dedicated hackers TouchPad, calling themselves team-TouchDroid, is now showing off a dual-boot configuration with Android 2.3.5. As with CM7, the touch screen still does not work, but the demo video is pretty dramatic – that is until the end credit roll. If early reversal OSS are your thing, hop on past the break, but do not say we did not warn you: it will become weird.

A prototype mind control Haier TV hits the IFA, we front-on (video)

The remote control has revolutionized the way we watch TV, eliminating the need for frequent trips together to change channels. A prototype in the portfolio of Haier makes everything look remotely like a grueling chore in comparison. The Brain Wave (certainly not a final product name) presented prototype TV at IFA this week brings mind control in the picture, promising a future where users of the channels can be modified and controlled by the volume pure thought.

The set is still in early prototype for the moment, however, we’re still some way away from life as accurately change. For now, the demo is only available to blow up a barrel with your busy mind. Of course, we had to give the thing a spin. See the results after the break.