Olympus Pen E-PM1 hands on (video)

from: http://www.engadget.com/2011/09/01/olympus-pen-e-pm1-hands-on-video/:

Join the family of products is the Olympus Pen lovingly nicknamed  Mini PEN , or E-PM1. Compared to its big brothers the PEN E-PL2 and PL3-E , this little guy packs a serious punch tiny body, with a price tag as low as $ 500. But that may CIT claiming Olympus offers quality DSLR in a compact design stack against the big boys in the pit at the U.S. Open? The 12.3-megapixel camera comes with a 14-42mm lens f / 3.5-5.6 kit and includes a Micro Four Thirds mount, allowing it to accept the compatible goals of both Olympus and Panasonic – something that was really easy to get the hang of Speedy for switching between sets. Consult impressions that we will practice with the camera to one of the greatest games of tennis of the year.

Samsung to sell limited edition crystal-studded 9 Series laptops

Well, a very merry Christmas in advance to you, Samsung. At the end of the tail of the conference the company press PC-focused by the IFA – an event mainly devoted to the 7 Series Chronos laptop and Windows 7 slate – its leaders have announced an update rather unexpected in the series 9 . No, we’re not talking about SSD or a beefier silhouette slim. Get ready, friends, because this holiday season our favorite thin pinch PC becomes adorned with crystals. Hand-applied crystals, guys. The company will sell a limited number of these things in Moonlight Blue, a navy winter, and deluxe pink gold, a champagne-colored, carefully dusted bling on the cover. This color extends through the frame on the palm rest and between the keys, but fortunately, the fairy dust does not make a cameo in the interior. No word on price, even if we do not target customer is Samsung Paris Hilton care.

Invoxia NVX 610 desktop VoIP phone for iPhone and iPad hands on (video)

If we spend $ 599 on a phone for our phone, it needs to provide unmatched audio quality, device integration, absolutely transparent, and a drop-dead gorgeous design. Invoxia, a newcomer to the world of VoIP telephony, claims to have created just that with its NVX 610. The DTU uses an iPhone (or iPod touch or iPhone) app as its control interface – the hardware itself has only touch the volume, mute, speakerphone, voice mail and keys. Except to access address book from your device IOS, however, all the phone equipment is autonomous. Calls are handled using the built-in ARM Cortex-A8 processor, and can be done via Skype or any other third party SIP. You can also take incoming calls using the iPhone the handset or the speaker, but all outgoing calls are processed using VoIP, no mobile network from your iPhone. We took a look at the NVX 610 to the IFA , and certainly liked what we saw. Go before the break for our first impressions and a video (a bit noisy) intro from CEO Serge Invoxia Renouard.

Success is related to their crackability tablet?

Hitting the front page for the first time, rippeltippel wrote The Economist recently published an article about HP Tablet leave the market alone again I say, until I read the announcement showed that the firm had finally seen the light on the tablet market. – That there is no such thing. But the games are closed with the IPAD as a clear winner Probably not:? ‘Hackers have embraced the meal, the root of its underlying Linux software … so it can run many more applications The online store for Google App and elsewhere. A review page of Amazon Kindle tablet reads: They cracked – it’s the future. Can it be interpreted as? Pirate are the tablets future of tablets Smartphone vendors seem to have got the message: Users want to control the software on their phones. It’s a shame that Palm / HP, which was one of the suppliers only open from the beginning, more or least lost the game. Unfortunately, it seems that vendors ebook reader tablet and have not yet gotten the message.

Boogie Rip eWriting stylus pad (video)

from: http://www.engadget.com/2011/09/01/styluses-on-with-the-boogie-rip-ewriting-pad/:

Hey, remember that new products in Electronics Improv as we told you about yesterday? We managed to squeeze in some time with the device today at IFA, and we have to say, we like what we see. The Rip (that the record. Image. Preserve.) Is the latest addition to the line eWriter Boogie, devices that allow you to write notes and drawings and can be wiped with the press of a button (think a more readable Etch A Sketch ). Rip high setting with the addition of a microUSB port, which allows you to transfer notes in PDF format on your computer.

Improv was careful to emphasize that the device is currently in prototype mode, so we will not hold too much company for the new plasticy feel of the product – if, if its predecessor is any indication, the final version will probably not too far of it, and the company confirmed that the final version will be the color of charcoal itself. And while the product is indeed plasticy, it certainly feels sturdy. More after the break.

8 Windows Desktop ‘Just Another App’?

CWmike writes Steven Sinofsky, president of Microsoft Windows and Windows Live division, said this week that Windows 8 will allow users to treat the traditional office as just another app that is supported only on order.

When he unveiled Windows 8 UI in June, Microsoft said it would be with a first touch interface to compete in the rapidly growing market tablet. Underneath that, however, is a classic style Windows desktop. Having both of the user interfaces work together harmoniously is an important part of Windows 8, Steven Sinofsky said in a blog post on Wednesday, user interface style subway -. inspired by the design of tile-based Windows Mobile 7 – the first to appear when the user starts a device A.

This point, users reach a crossroads, If you want to stay permanently immersed in a world of subway, you will never see the desktop – we will even load it (literally, the code will not load), unless you choose explicitly to go there, Sinofsky said.

If you do not want to ‘PC’ things, then you do not and you do not pay for them in memory, battery life and the hardware configuration. If you use a conventional PC with keyboard and mouse, Windows users will run an 8 app to load the desktop, he said. Essentially, you can think of your Windows desktop just like any other application.

Toshiba Camileo Announces Clip, X200 and X400 Camcorder

from: http://www.engadget.com/2011/09/01/toshiba-announces-camileo-clip-x200-and-x400-camcorders/:

Unsurprisingly, Toshiba covers all bases at IFA today, with it now also announcing its latest batch of camcorders. This includes clip Camileo photo above (which was round the back of a clip for hands-free shooting), as well as more traditional Camileo X200 and X400, all three 1080p video recording and rely exclusively on SD cards for storage. The X200 and X400, of course, things went a bit in terms of features, these exhibition games are a 12x optical zoom on the X200 and X400 on the 23x zoom. Still no word on pricing for any of them, but Toshiba says they will be available during the fourth quarter of this year (in Europe at least). Hit the PR after the break for the complete list of specifications.

Updates STOR.E Toshiba external hard drives for PCs and TVs

Toshiba STOR.E range of hard drives just got a little refreshment, and a hint of color, at the IFA. It Canvio models come in sizes up to 1TB and sports a spiffy USB 3.0 connectors, while weighing less than half a pound in your choice of black, green or red. BASICS line sports all the same features and options, except for pre-installed software backup, but only comes in black. The PARTNER STOR.E is another external drive base with a USB 3.0 connection, but it is designed to match the Toshiba NB500 netbook and a series of color options to match (black, blue, lime green and orange). Much more interesting are the 2 and STOR.E STOR.E TV PRO TV – a pair of devices with HDMI ports and a graphical interface all the owners of which will blend into most home theater setups. While the TV 2 sticks with a traditional hard drive in sizes up to 2 TB, he opted for the PRO 8 GB of flash storage. The two SD card readers sports USB 2.0 and support for a wide range of codecs, but the Pro adds a Bluetooth remote with a QWERTY keyboard and full Web browsing capabilities. The TV PRO TV STOR.E 2 and will land in Europe in Q4 along with the partner, BASICS, and the lines Canvio. Check the battery of PR after the break.