Panasonic showcases two prototype 3D camera lenses, announces 3D camcorder HDC-Z10000

We’re here in Berlin, covering the IFA 2011 , Panasonic and things started by showing a camera concept, with its first dual-lens capable of shooting stills and video in 3D. Unfortunately, the press release of the company is light on technical information, but it shows the system is built on two glasses of 4x with thin, folded optical. I hope we see this thing in person, while we are in town and learn a little more. In similar news, the company also announced the HDC-Z10000 (pictured), his first camcorder 2D / 3D with an integrated dual-lens. The camcorder records 1080p / 1080i AVCHD video 3D is a dual CMOS sensors with a combined resolution of 13.1MP and eye-less than 3.5 inch LCD. It is also capable of 3D macros as close as 17.8 inches – a record for camcorders 3D dual purpose, according to Panasonic. As the company has been known to do, however, it is now out to reveal details on price or availability, so it looks like we will have to save for a rainy day. Full PR after the break.

Locate language in the brain

from: ~ r / Slashdot / slashdot / ~ 3/BKR5-8E0GC8/Localizing-Language-In-the-Brain:

RogerRoast writes A new study by scientists from MIT identifies areas of the brain used exclusively for the language (PDF), providing a partial answer to a long-standing debate in cognitive science. The study found that there are parts of our brain dedicated to language and only. linguistic After their subjects do the job the original language, which they call a functional localization, they each had only a subset of seven experiments: one on arithmetic exact, two on working memory, cognitive control of three, and one on music, since these are the features the most frequently cited by the machines of neurons with the language. The authors say the results do not mean that all cognitive functions has its own dedicated piece of the cortex, after all, we are able to learn new skills, there must be some parts of the brain that are both high level and functionally flexible.

Xbox 360 modders claim hacker CPU, partying like a N64 (video)

The security system built into the motherboard of the 360 has more layers than an onion, so previous hacks have generally focused on the optical drive instead. But a couple of circuit breakers and named gligli Tiros claim to have finally released from the CPU of the console, allowing all 360 variants to start homebrew software, while making them invulnerable to the patches sent by Microsoft. Video after the break is intended to show the fruits of their work, including an N64 emulator running on a version of Linux. It does not really prove anything, except maybe the length of these guys went to, they use different tools to slow CPU hardware of the console and then confuse it with pulses called glitch in an effort to make him forget his normal start-up checks. Certainly not something for the average F-Zero Racer X, especially when the speed boost around protection against copying, as may be shady in the eyes of the law. (One more thing: do not be put off by the soundtrack of the video – starts weird, but better, baby.)

Windows Mobile 7 Mango will play better with the Mac, update your application today Connector

Windows Phone 7.5 will more Mac-friendly when it comes to pajamas. Microsoft Connector app just got updated to version 2.0 and can support the market and transfer ringtone for Mango equipped handsets. It contains also some other improvements that are already working with WP 7.0, including drag and drop file import from the device Browse window, better backup and recovery, and support for synchronization and import software Apple Aperture. Connector 2.0 is ready and waiting on the App Store and Mango should push his head around the mountain all day.

Garmin StreetPilot iPhone application launches onDemand offers transportation schedules

Garmin is best known for its car navigation systems , but today, dug deeper into the realm of personal navigation with a brand new iPhone for the lost forever. For a dollar, you will have the standard walk, driving directions and public transport, but go premium for $ 2.99 per month or $ 29.99 for the year, and you will cop more add-ons designed for turn your iPhone into a full PND. As the mapping system or standard iPhone HopStop, the subscription version of this software allows you to integrate public transport in your journey – but the added feature here is the ability to view the timetables of public transport, as you can in the Google Maps App for Android. He also talked about turn-by-turn directions, traffic routing Garmin and Google search, making it a convenient alternative to a navigation system awkward. Check the full PR after the break.

Toshiba Regza HDTV nine WL800A connects to your smartphone via MHL

The MHL Consortium wants to ban the HDMI from our phones for its connection Mobile High Definition Link, and technology has found its way into handsets as GSII and 3D EVO . But so far there was no TV to connect. Toshiba Regza line late in the WL800A is all alone in its 2011 lineup to pack the 5-pin port that takes 1080p from your mobile device and puts it on a 46 inch or 55-inch edge-lit LED panel. The best part is, the connection MHL pushes the power in your phone at the same time, the video streaming – if you do not have to worry about your phone dying on you in the middle of your marathon mobile cinema. Currently on sale in the Land of Oz for $ 2,329 (46 inches) and $ 3,179 (55 inches) AUD, the WL800 will not come to America. However, now that the GSII has landed stateside hope some TVs equipped MHL follow.

Swarmanoid ‘bots rule Air, Land, Library

An anonymous reader writes: The concept of distributed processing is not new, and its application to robotics leads naturally to the idea of ​​a swarm of robots. However, most swarms oriented robots are composed of many identical robots (such as Kilobots). In this case, there are three types of robots: a hand-bots that can climb library and pick up objects with hands, a club foot, which can drive around and bring the hand-bot, and an eye-bot , and perches that flies on the ceiling to provide a perspective to d’autres robots. Another point the reader on an unrelated video, but also impressive Kinect be used to develop a robotic assistant friendly.

IPad cart dock guard and football fans of their other half happy

British football fans agree on very little: how much everyone loves Jimmy Bullard, the need for Arsene Wenger to buy a good half-center and how painful it is to be dragged out shopping just before the coup off on Saturday. These are the people friendly and forward-thinking in heaven who have the answer, at least in the latter. The company has teamed up with supermarket Sainsbury (who has a track record of innovation ) to test a new cart with a solar iPad dock and speakers. Now you can watch the game, or something else, via the Sky Go application on your device and get the groceries done at the same time. Anxious to do so much absorbed in their footwork Juan Mata you will be a danger to others? Do not worry, the basket has proximity sensors attached to let you know when you’re about to sideswipe a retiree. It is being tested in Cromwell Road Sainsbury in west London – just to try it yourself is an iPad, Go Sky access and a desire to be on the cutting edge of sports and technology. If the thought of yelling Taxi for Bent! Went down calls for fruit, you can take another picture and press release after the break.