IPad cart dock guard and football fans of their other half happy

British football fans agree on very little: how much everyone loves Jimmy Bullard, the need for Arsene Wenger to buy a good half-center and how painful it is to be dragged out shopping just before the coup off on Saturday. These are the people friendly and forward-thinking in heaven who have the answer, at least in the latter. The company has teamed up with supermarket Sainsbury (who has a track record of innovation ) to test a new cart with a solar iPad dock and speakers. Now you can watch the game, or something else, via the Sky Go application on your device and get the groceries done at the same time. Anxious to do so much absorbed in their footwork Juan Mata you will be a danger to others? Do not worry, the basket has proximity sensors attached to let you know when you’re about to sideswipe a retiree. It is being tested in Cromwell Road Sainsbury in west London – just to try it yourself is an iPad, Go Sky access and a desire to be on the cutting edge of sports and technology. If the thought of yelling Taxi for Bent! Went down calls for fruit, you can take another picture and press release after the break.

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