Paralyzed Robot control patients with brain waves

sciencehabit written with a writeup of a document of French research in science. Extract from the article. They are not psychic enough yet, but machines are getting better at reading your mind researchers have invented a new noninvasive method for recording modes of brain activity and used to control a robot Scientists hope the technology will. give ‘locked in’ patients … the ability to interact with others and even give the illusion of being physically … with friends and family. The thing really interesting here is that people who did not use their members over the years were able to learn to control the robot (as well as the control group only) after being trained in just one hour a week for six weeks.

Native Instruments Maschine Mikro just wants to dance in the world, forget the price tag

In addition to reviewing, as the dance floor illuminated in our favorite club, the Maschine of Native Instruments also inspires envy among the brigade MIDI for its wealth of features and reasonable price tag of $ 600. Come October and be completed by Maschine equal Tony Manero-tastic version of Mikro, for those with a spouse or even stricter bank managers. Despite the reduction in size, you always get a drum sequencer with 16 keys and the full version of software production. Debuting at the same time will iMaschine – an application that helps you to sketch iOS hooks and loops on the go. The Mikro Maschine arrive worldwide on 1 October for $ 400 and iMaschine cost you $ 5.

Torch BlackBerry 9850 Verizon officially arrived in September 8th $ 200

After more than a month of speculation and rumors , Verizon is ready to get the BlackBerry 9850 Torch in the hands of eager customers. At a cost of $ 50 higher than its nemesis CDMA (not to mention a few weeks back), Big Red jumped on board to offer the smartphone to reach only $ 200 with a two-year contract. The devices will begin selling online 8 September with units appear in stores a week later. If you want the scoop on new full Verizon OS 7-powered searches, continue below to view the press release.

Wicked Lasers launches pocket of a watt green laser

First accepted sender (encoder and Slashdot) convincing, wrote Wicked Lasers, known for last year 1000mW laser blue pocket, and infamous for his handling of backorders six months long, is now available a green version. There are three power levels, each for $ 1/mW (300mW, 500mW, 1000mW). Since the eye is more sensitive to green than blue, that’s about the state of the art by bringing the points – on-technology stuff. Wicked Lasers sent an e-mail promising to deal with backorders much better this time. Adds reader whitedsepdivine: There is currently no warning that this is not a lightsaber on their site, so we can only assume that this version is.

BMW working on Laser Projectors

from: ~ r / Slashdot / slashdot / ~ 3/czd-gPl1RH4/BMW-Working-On-Laser-Headlamps:

MrSeb wrote LED headlamps are only run on the market – especially on high-end cars – but now it seems a German car manufacturer has some plans for laser projectors Laser light is the next logical step in the development of light for the car …. mass production a few years in the BMW i8 plug-in hybrid, said BMW lasers have the potential to be simultaneously more powerful, more efficient and smaller than other types projector before you get too excited, though: .. out of laser lights will be adjusted for safety.

Mini Liquid Acer Ferrari gets-fied, can not do it faster


Acer Liquid Mini will not beat speed records anytime soon, but at least it can look like a Red Hot runner now that he has received treatment Ferrari. Following the Liquid E skid marks’ s, the liquid Ferrari Mini Edition has a bright red outer shield bearing emblematic of the manufacturer and ships preloaded with ringtones engine, racing on the theme wallpaper and for other applications. Under the hood, however, is the same, based on the combined Gingerbread filled with 512 MB of RAM, a 3.2-inch screen, five megapixels and rather disappointing 600MHz processor. No word yet on when the device will hit the runway, but you can get closer to the source link below.

Ask Slashdot: Classroom eco-projects tailored to Alaska?

Submitter Shortyadamk first accepted in writing I just started a new job where I have to visit many high school science classes and students involved in projects of 1-3 days on sustainable energy science and the environment (in order to promote regional universities. programs) I looked at a number of projects supervised available online and many of them are solar projects, my biggest problem with this is that we are in a region rural Alaska and most of the time I visit classes will be the winter (when we have very little light – and even if we did it would be too cold to play in). I’m curious whether anyone has any ideas or suggestions for demonstrations and projects that can be done in class and do not require sunlight catch another is that the project should be small enough to fit in a plastic case or tote;. we do not all roads connecting the villages, I have to fly the project from one school to home.

Sony Alpha DSLR-5N for sale, NEX-7 available for pre-order


Our network of eagle-eyed tipsters gave us the heads-up that Sony has $ 700 NEX-5N is willing to buy the device online fans, and curious can view last month practice before deciding to part with the cheddar much. The company is also taking pre-orders for the monstrous NEX-7 , which costs $ 1,350 – slightly more than we expected. This camera has 24.3 megapixel sensor, AVCHD video can take up to 10 frames per second and can probably see around the world or something. It will make its way to farms in November, giving you just enough time to learn how to save face disappointed everyone – come Christmas morning – in detail tearing.