ComScore Top Dog calls Android, Apple pulls further away from RIM

According to ComScore, about 82.2 million people in the United States with a smartphone (up to ten percent from last quarter ), Android came first as the biggest platform yet, capturing a huge 41.8 percent market as a boss. In a second not-so-close, Apple has managed to hang 27 percent, followed by RIM up third place with 21.7 percent – down 4 percentage points from the previous quarter. Microsoft is pulling back, with 5.7 percent, and finally with a dark Symbian 1.9 percent – both down compared to the previous three months. As U.S. manufacturers will, Samsung still leads with 25.5 percent of the market, while LG has obtained 20.9 per cent and, finally, Motorola with 14.1 percent, down 1 , 5 percentage points ahead. Apple was able to hang a certain date in the space with an OEM from 9.5 percent, while RIM BlackBerry-maker captured only 7.6 percent. Since wages battle androids like the iPhone and BlackBerry (Oh My) are always on top – at least for this quarter. Check the PR after the break for the complete dashboard. аюал купить плитку на