James Gosling Leaves Google

from: http://rss.slashdot.org/ ~ r / Slashdot / slashdot / ~ 3/oDlim9So30g/James-Gosling-Leaves-Google:

scottbomb writes Well, it did not take long: After only a few months at Google, Java founder James Gosling has left the giant search engine to access a small company specializing in ocean-based start-up robotics. In a brief blog about his new company, Gosling said: They have a growing fleet of autonomous vehicles that stray from the ocean to collect data from a variety of onboard sensors and uploading it to the cloud. Robots have a lot of satellite uplink / communication speed GSM / WiMax and redundant GPS units. They have a lot of deployments. For example, there is a set of robots patrolling the sea around the well in the Gulf Macondo Mexico in the water chemistry control. The harvest energy from the craft waves for propulsion and can remain at sea for a very long time. The longer a unit has been out is 2 , 5 (ish) years. They can cross oceans …. slowly. They travel at 1-2 knots, which is a high speed data collection.

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