Bionic Droid Review


It has been said that absence makes the heart grow fonder, so it was with very willing and eager hands this week we received the Bionic Droid, the latest Motorola high-octane, the robot on the theme of assault in the subscribers of Verizon Wireless. The phone was first announced at CES in early 2011 and we got to see him in the flesh barely an hour later … but then the story took a turn for the tragic. Bionics was attacked , killed and reborn with all new internal.

Phoenix-like, the thing is now available for purchase on Verizon Wireless, $ 300 for a device intended plateau that packs both the LTE connectivity and a dual-core processor. Therefore, it is a first for Verizon and it also happens to be the thinnest handset LTE yet to cross the waves of the carrier. Oh, and it has the larger battery too. Was it worth it then? Maybe.

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