Oh, look – it’s Pixar lamp iconic Frankenlife brought to the real world. Well, not really, but automation, voice activation mod is as close to the icon of the movie studio as a kit of piracy and five euros in a Swedish furniture store can you get. The prototype, affectionately called The IKEA lamp annoying or SM-1, came ArduinoArts finalist for the SeeedStudio contest Grove toy kit. Led by the Industrial Engineer Javier Lander, the project marries two servos (one in the database and in the lamp), motion sensors and sound, a three-axis accelerometer, LED light panel and audio to an Arduino shield , springing from the modjob to program the alert and irritation. We welcome Javier avoiding mawkish road well traveled , and giving the fire a banal office grumpy old man makeover. Click past the break to see this desk accessory curmudgeonly in action.
Arduino hacker lamp mimics salon Pixar, IKEA disses in the process (video)
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