Time is running out of August, and with it the existence of streaming Netflix and service records as a single package for $ 7.99. Keep two (both 1-disc) will require a $ 15.98 payment each month from tomorrow , but if you’re one of the many strong crying and often they will downgrade or cancel rather than pay more while hanging – you may be able to squeeze a few extra days to your current package. Hacking Netflix points that the price will not actually move until your next billing date after September first, but you need to change two days in advance to avoid being charged. For us, it is not until the 17th, so we have a couple of week to continue not to watch the rented discs that have been languishing on our coffee tables without paying extra for the privilege . Your date may vary, so check your account page to determine the specifics. Of course, we wonder that, after the shock has worn off, everyone is even escape the user-friendly sites , reducing their submarines Netflix or just eat the extra cost? Let us know in the poll below.
Netflix price increase kicks in tomorrow, but you will not have to change immediately
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